25 October 2006

BabyUpdate -- 25 October 2006

Well, it looks like we're done with the birthing of Madelynne. The final blood tests show that the jaundice is on the way out the door, and we're well on our way to raising a nice little baby girl. So, except for some pictures, this should be the last update on Madelynne's entrance into the world.

21 October 2006


Here's the scoop:

1) Ellen was discharged this morning at midnight. No, this doesn't mean that they kicked her out the loading dock door at 12:01 am. The reason they did this was so that we could "room in" for the night, due to the fact that Madelynne wasn't released yet. Why wasn't Madelynne released yet?

2) There is a small problem with Madelynne. Apparantly during the delivery, some of Ellen's blood mixed with Madelynne's blood. Unfortunately, Mommie's and Baby's blood are different types, and are not compatable with each other. So, Madelynne's antibodies are killing off Ellen's blood cells, and the antibodies in Ellen's blood are attacking Madelynne's blood cells. While this can get serious, it appears that the worst that this is going to come to will be a bad case of jaundice, easily treatable with phototherapy (among other treatments) if necessary. Most of the time, this runs its course. Tests were run yesterday, and again today, and it appears that Madelynne's jaundice levels had held steady under the level where she'd have to go under the lamps. Sooooo....

3) Madelynne and Mommie are now at home. Fortunately, we are enjoying a bright, sunny day. Sunlight also helps fight jaundice, so Madelynne's probably catching some rays right now. We have to take her back in Sunday morning for additional tests, but if those come back good, Madelynne is home to stay.

4) I know, I know, the pictures are taking a while. Right now, we're getting them developed. I hope to have those up here next week

Until then, take care.

19 October 2006

And that was a game...and that IS a winner!

Game 7 of the NLDS was a great game. Both teams were tough, pitched well. Rolen had a home run stolen from him, and the Mets stranded the bases loaded, leaving a great opportunity to put the game away. I'm kinda surprised that Suppan was able to pitch into the 8th inning -- seeing pitchers go that close to complete games (especially in the playoffs, and even more so in Game 7 situations) says alot about his abilities to throw the rock.

Way to go, Cardinals. Let's see if we can nail a tiger's hide on the wall.

BabyUpdate -- Madelynne makes her digital debut!

And here's the virtual birth announcement from the hospital. We've taken other pictures, but just haven't gotten them back in a digital format yet. In the meantime...


BabyUpdate -- And the name is...

And, after a great deal of deliberation, our newest member of our family now has the name!

Madelynne Brianna

According to Ellen, between our three lit'l spudlings, we only have about 8 letters in the alphabet to use up in children's names. No word yet as to if we'll go for the gold on that job.

Picture of little Madelynne will available shortly.

18 October 2006

Baby Update -- IT'S A GIRL!

Announcing the birth of a baby girl!
9:15pm ::6# 12oz, 19"
No name yet, but we're working on it!
Everyone doing fine.

Baby Update -- We're getting close!

Ellen's fully dilated and effaced. We're in the home stretch now. THANK GOD FOR EPIDURALS -- she's had some doozies of contractions already.

Baby Update

Water just broke. Hopefully, this will move things along.

Baby Update

Here's where we stand. Contractions are going along nicely. And, more importantly, so is the epidural. Baby still hasn't dropped, and (prob. just like Mackenzie), won't until her waters break. More when we know it.

28 May 2006

And here's something you've been missing...

For most of May, it's been uncharacteristically wet and cool. Not "break out the jacket at noon" cool, but not "steaming clothes while wearing" heat typical of May. Rain, rain, rain...

And then, sunshine. Humidity. Laying in my bed, steaming and sweating.

Yep, it's summertime. Even heard Will Smith's "Summertime" last night on the radio. Perfect timing for Memorial Day. I'll expound on that later. Right now, I've got ribs on the brain.

22 May 2006

The Dixie Chicks ::
"Words and Consequences",
or "Will they ever get it"

Well. Apparantly the Dixie Chicks, having done their time in country music's form of penitence, have come out with a new disk, "Taking the Long Way." The lead single, "Not Ready To Make Nice," shouldn't really surprise anybody, that their comments made on a concert stage in England regarding President Bush reflect their current beliefs when it comes down to the war in Iraq (and the larger fight against terrorism).

On the morning newscast here, there was a news story about the albums upcoming release, and how the Dixie Chicks are on the way back from all the scorn they received back in 2003. In the report, they drew comparisons between the DC's, Pearl Jam, and Neil Young, who all have anti-war and anti-Bush songs on their current CDs, and how they were exercising their right of free speech.

And I have no problem with that. Really, I don't.

That might surprise some of you who have heard me constantly call the DC's the "Ditzy Twits", and have not really missed them when I've got the radio set to K103. And if you know what my radio is usually tuned to during the day, well, this might cause further suspicion. But just work with me here for a few moments...

First of all, we all have the right to speak freely, and to support, defend, question any act done by our government without repercussions or penalty FROM THE GOVERNMENT. THE GOVERNMENT is not allowed to reign in what I can or can't say (within limits of course, the old yelling "fire" in a crowded theater being one example, for instance...) Bush, Cheney, Rice, Pelosi, Reid, Durban...no one in a GOVERNMENT office or position can govern what I decide to say, politically speaking.

But folks, this isn't what we're talking about. I (and apparantly a few others) took offense at the fact that Natalie Maines stood in front of a concert crowd OVERSEAS, and stated that they were ashamed that they came from the same state as the President. Not here in the U.S., in front of an AMERICAN crowd (which, I believe, would fall more into the "red state" category than any other color...). Not stating opposition against a policy, but against a person.

Natalie, you just don't get it. The GOVERNMENT didn't do a thing. The FANS YOU ALIENATED AND OFFENDED WITH YOUR COMMENTS (myself included), did. We stopped listening. We stopped buying. And for the past 3 years, you've been marginalized. Ostracized. Booed at award shows (I'm sorry, which award show was it that you appeared VIA SATTELITE on?) ROCK and ALTERNATIVE ROCK acts and groups (like the aforementioned Neil Young and Pearl Jam) have vastly different audiences than COUNTRY.

The Dixie Chicks and politicians have demonstrated that they have one thing in common: When you make your base angry at you (political or fan), don't expect their support. President Bush is learning that now with his low poll numbers and his current policy movements with the Dubai ports deal and now with immigration. Has the DC's learned their lesson? Words mean things. All actions have consequences. Not hard to learn. Possibly difficult to remember.

I wish the Ditzy Twits all the best of luck with their new fan base...

15 May 2006

Well, looking outside, it's overcast, rainy and cool (a wet 57 degrees outside...) Yep, it must be mid~May in Southeast Missouri! And just think, in a short 1 1/2 months, it'll be bone dry but humid, and 90+ degrees! We just don't like consistency here, do we...

Currently doing some of the research, reading, and experimenting to bring RSS to St. Andrew. There's blogs on everything EXCEPT LCMS churches. So, that means we're doing something new (again...) Oh well, being on the trailing edge of anything has never sat well with me. Now, if I can convince others that this is something we ought to do. Although, trying out various feedreaders is getting to be tiresome; setting up one with the feeds that I like is one things, but going through 3-4 different readers, each giving me the same feeds...

Didn't get a chance to see Sopranos last night. We were too busy watching the "Survivor" finale. The first time Terry doesn't have control of his own destiny (as opposed to winning all the immunity challenges, and having that individual immunity idol in his back pocket), he gets booted. Amazingly, quite possible the one most deserving almost gets to the finish line. At least the "car curse" is still intact.

06 May 2006

On guests and visitors (illegal and otherwise)

An illustration I saw in a recent edition of "Speak Out". For those of you not from the Southeast Missouri area, "Speak Out" is a long running feature in our local newspaper (creatively named, "The Southeast Missourian"), where people can call in, and leave reasonably short, anonymous messages. Editors go through, pick out the good ones, and publish them on the OP-ED page. Sometimes, they only show the ignorance of the local public, but often, a few good ones surface.

You come home late one night, and find out that your home has been broken into. Well, maybe not "broken" into, since you did leave the back door unlocked. And these aren't your typical thieves or crooks. They've come in, taken out the trash, washed the dishes, cleaned up (actually, more like "cleaned out") your teenage son's pig-sty of a room, cleaned out the cat's litter pan, changed the oil in the car, and every other dirty, disgusting job you've been putting off for some time. And they've done a pretty good job. But they've also helped themselves to the fridge, and gotten a snack or three. They're using your washing machine (their clothes did get a bit dirty dealing with the kitty litter and the Fram oil filter, after all...), your phone (ordering the dumpster to deal with all the stuff out of the teenage son's room...), and making themselves quite at home. But, hey, they are doing all the stuff you'd been putting off, hoping that your son, your spouce, SOMEONE would have done.

But now, you're getting concerned. You barely know their first names, to say nothing about where they're from, what they've done prior to the extreme (and needed) makeover they've just given your house. You have no idea who their friends are, who are coming on to your front lawn and back patio right now, nor what their intentions are... OK, maybe they ought to go.

"NO!" they say. "We have the right to be here. We've done the work you weren't doing! Besides, aren't you the great-grandchild of immigrants? You're just like us!"

Have we forgotten one little fact in this story, in fact, one of the first? They did break into our house. Shame on us for not locking the door, and shame on us for not realizing that regardless of the kitty litter being changed, that uninvited guests are no guests at all. If I want someone to do the work I don't want to do, I interview them. I find out as much as I can about them. Background checks are a must if they deal in any way with my children or my wife. I don't just accept who breaks into my house in the dead of night, when I'm not watching.

Amnesty? Citizenship? How 'bout coming into my house the right way. Knock on the door, ring the door bell. Don't just barge in like you own the place. Respect the rules I have for my house. Stay off the grass. Don't park your car in the flower bed. Come in legally. Then, and only then, I might hire you to take out the garbage. If you pass the interview...

Rumors of my death...

Geesh -- I didn't realize it'd been a month since I posted. Got to get in the habit...

Here's some random thoughts on recent events...

13 April 2006

Well, here it is. My own little blog. Sitting here at church, getting ready for tonight, and wouldn't you know it, Diann's playing some dramatic music, practicing for tomm. One of the reasons I like Lent ~ the music is much more in my vocal range. It seems that for most of the rest of the year, it's either a 1/2 octive too high (resulting in an icky falsetto) or 1/2 an octive too low (which results in a horrible sound) Oh well, it's almost over. Just like this post. I'm sure I'll come up with something a little more creative later. :: GAR