29 August 2009

Glad I'm an LCMS Lutheran...

And here comes more of the slippery slope for the ELCA.

I understand how easy it is to be overly permissive -- to let things slide. Standards and rules can get messy, tough to enforce. Good gravy, with 3 kids, I've let hard-and-fast "rules" bend a bit.

But we're talking about God's word here. A little bit higher standard than cleaning your plate, or choosing what socks to wear to school.

Here's the article from the St. Louis Post Dispatch :: http://preview.tinyurl.com/nbvh2n

What ever happened to "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner?" Can we not pull the two apart? Isn't that a VITAL part of forgiveness?

27 August 2009

This is only a test...

OK, using the "Networked Blogs" app on Facebook -- just doing a little test here.

16 August 2009

Sunday morning, and all is well...

...for now.

Ellen's at work, and it's me vs. three kids. Two rooms in desperate need of cleaning out. Facebook pages needing updating, and a blog in desperate need of a posting.

One down, and a few more to go.