15 September 2007

And after much work, a 19th century house moves into the 21st century...

I've been off the blog a little over the past few weeks -- for a couple of reasons. One was the death of my grandma, (which got me out of the habit...more on that later...), and a few projects at work that sucked up a lot of time (which kept me out of the habit...). And there was this problem that really didn't make it any easier to keep this little resolution to myself...

Two years had passed since we last signed a contract for cellular service. And my phone was looking a little beat up (Ellen takes better care of her stuff...). So, we headed to the local Cingul--- ooops, I mean, AT&T store, and take a look around.

Now for the past year or three, we've lived out at my mother-in-law's place, just outside of town. A beautiful brick home, and in brickwork on the front is the date "1888." Yep, it's about 120 years old. Tall ceilings, plenty of windows, a steam radiator heating system that's pretty darn nice in the winter, and pretty good ventilation for the summertime. But the electrical system dates to about 1930-1940 (which is a pretty good reason why we haven't installed air-conditioning), and since we live "just outside of town," DSL and cable are unavavilable. We tried dial-up, but after two years of broadband speed in our previous house, that wasn't going to work. The satellite internet connection advertized on DirecTV constantly might work well, but coming up witl the $600 up front just for equipment posed a little bit of the problem. That, and our "view of the southern sky" is a little obstructed by trees half the age of the house. I'd try to do what I could at work (with it's beautiful 100 Mbps connection), but blogging on the clock after a little while is kinda frowned upon, even in a church!

Soooooo......we went to see if there'd be a way to access the internet through my spankin' new cell phone. And sure enough there was. And after about 3 weeks of troubleshooting, it's finally up and running. And so here we are. Or, more correctly, here I am. And hopefully, here I'll stay. At least for a little while...

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